Ministry Thoughts

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Summer always brings us a renewed excitement and hope. We’re currently gearing up for a great summer camp and other special events. We are also busy planning for a great banquet in the fall. Lots to do!

I’m thrilled to tell you about one of our high school students. This boy has attended Pathfinders for many years. His home situation was far from ideal, resulting in him moving and changing schools 2-3 times a year. For years, his report card reflected this, often with straight F’s. Meanwhile, multiple adult Pathfinders leaders invested their time and love into him. Two years ago he became a Jesus follower at our summer camp. We have watched him grow as a believer and as a student. He now has a 3.7 GPA and continues to be faithful in his walk with Jesus.

Another very different story concerns a seventh grade boy. He can’t read and one of our volunteers is teaching him. He just read a complete sentence for the first time in his life!

I rarely mention finances, but support is down substantially for the first quarter of this year.

Please continue to pray for us!

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