Pathfinders Children's Program
About the Program
The Pathfinders Program takes place each Friday Evening from 6 to 8 pm. Kids in Kindergarten through High School gather at Sparks Christian Fellowship, 510 Greenbrae Blvd in Sparks, Nevada.
Pathfinders provides wholesome recreation and Christian education in a safe and loving environment. Pathfinders activities are always free to the children/youth. Dates are subject to cancellation due to weather conditions or other unforeseen events. Pathfinders does not meet on major holiday weekends. See our calendar for dates and times of Pathfinders weekly gatherings and activitiesTransportation
Pathfinders currently operates fifteen 15-passenger vans and one 28 passenger bus to reach the children and youth living in motels, trailer parks, subsidized apartments, shelters and foster care. Call (775) 354-7863 to arrange child pickup and return. Permission forms signed by parent/guardian must be on file before boarding a van.
Hot Balanced Meal
It's tough to listen to and absorb important information when you're hungry, so our first order of business is to feed everyone a hot dinner. Friday night dinners are lovingly prepared and served by various churches, small groups from partnering churches and even individual families.
Every kid loves to play but often there isn't much opportunity for children and youth in the generational poverty culture to simply relax and have fun. We include recreation in our weekly activities. Recreational activities also provide teaching moments about teamwork and the ability to serve, help and relate to others.
Bible Lesson
We believe that the Pathfinders program can help children break out of the poverty culture in which they are currently trapped by leading them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, helping them focus on their personal responsibilities, set life goals, and guide them to plan and prepare for the future.
Kids and teens who are part of the Pathfinders Children's Ministry who have made a decision to follow Christ are invited to join an 8-week intensive discipleship study program. Those who complete the program are rewarded with a diploma, Bible, special dinner (including parents) and an opportunity to be baptised.
Extra Curricular Activities
Pathfinders kids participate in extra-curricular activities such as summer camp, roller skating, a trip to a corn maze, and a fantastic Christmas party with a formal dinner and a $50.00 Walmart gift card for each child.